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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-19 01:40:02


ADC, or Attack Damage Carry, is a crucial rOLe in the game League of LEGends. In this article, we will ****yze the different ADC champions and their unique abilities and playstyles. ADCs are responsible for dealing consistent damage to enemy champions and objectives throughout the game. Let's pe into the world of ADCs!

Ezreal - The ProdiGal Explorer

Ezreal is a versatile ADC known for his long-range poke and mobility. His Q ability, Mystic Shot, allows him to deal damage from a distance while his E ability, Arcane Shift, provides him with an escape mechani**. Ezreal's ultimate ability - Trueshot Barrage - can be used across the map to assist teammates or secure kills.

Jinx - The Loose Cannon

Jinx is an explosive ADC who excels at dealing area-of-effect damage in team fighTS. Her Q ability, Switcheroo!, allows her to switch between two weapons: Pow-Pow (minigun) for sustained damage and Fishbones (rocket launcher) for splash damage on multiple targets.

Caitlyn - The Sheriff of Piltover

Caitlyn is a long-ranged sniper who dominates the early game with her superior range and zoning capabilities. Her passive ability Headshot deals bonus damage after every few basic attacks or abilities used against enemy champions.

Kai'Sa - Daughter of Void

Kai'Sa is an adaptive mark**an who can build both attack damage and ability power items effectively due to her unique passive called Second Skin. This passive also enhances her other abilities based on whether she has more AD or AP items.

Vayne - The Night Hunter

Vayne is a late-game hypercarry who excels at dueling and shredding tanks. Her W ability, Silver Bolts, allows her to deal true damage based on a percentage of the enemy's maximum health. Vayne's ultimate ability - Final Hour - grants her bonus attack damage and stealth for a short duration.


ADC champions in League of Legends each bring their own unique playstyle and abilities to the game. Whether you prefer long-range poke, area-of-effect damage, or late-game scaling, there is an ADC champion that suits your preferences. Mastering these champions requires good positioning, kiting skills, and understanding of their power spikes throughout the game. So go ahead and choose your favorite ADC champion to dominate the Rift!




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