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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-14 00:50:01


League of Legends (LoL) is a popular online multiplayer game that has gained immense popularity worldwide. The game is available in different regions, including international servers and servers specific to each country. This article aims to explore the differences between the international server and the Chinese server of League of Legends.

Difference in Game Versions


The first major difference between the international server and the Chinese server lies in the game versions. The international server follows a global version that is consistent across all regions, whereas China has its own unique version developed by Tencent Games, Riot's partner company in China. This means that updaTES, patches, and new content may be released at different times on each server.

Cultural Localization

Tencent Games ensures cultural localization for League of Legends on their Chinese server. They adapt various aspects of the game to suit Chinese culture and preferences. This includes changes to character designs, skins, voice-overs, lore adaptations, and even adjustments to gameplay mechanics if necessary. These changes aim to resonate better with Chinese players and provide a more immersive experience.

Regulation Differences

The regulation differences between the international LoL servers and the Chinese LoL servers are significant due to China's strict gaming regulations imposed by their government authorities. In order for games like LoL to be accessible in China legally, they must comply with certain gUIDelines set by these authorities.

One notable regulation difference is related to blood or gore content within games. The Chinese government strictly regulates violent or explicit content in video games accessible within their borders; therefore any such content found on other regional servers may be altered or removed entirely from League of Legends' Chinese version.

In-Game Purchases

In-game purchases also differ significantly between international LoL servers and the Chinese server. In the international version, players can purchase various co**etic items such as skins, emotes, and icons directly from Riot Games using real currency. However, in China, Tencent Games has implemented a different system called "Gacha" where players purchase virtual currency to spin a wheel for random rewards.

This difference in monetization models is primarily due to Chinese gaming regulations that restrict direct purchases of virtual items with real money. The Gacha system allows Tencent Games to comply with these regulations while still providing players with the opportunity to obtain co**etic items.

E-Sports Scene


The e-sports scene also differs between the international and Chinese servers of League of Legends. The international server hosts major tournaments like the League of Legends World Championship (Worlds) where teams from different regions compete for glory and huge prize pools.

In contrast, China has its own professional league known as the League of Legends Pro League (LPL). LPL features top-tier teams from China competing against each other throughout a season leading up to playoffs and ultimately representing China at Worlds. The popularity and competitiveness of LPL have made it one of the most-watched e-sports leagues in China.


In conclusion, there are several notable differences between the international server and Chinese server of League of Legends. These differences include game versions, cultural localization efforts by Tencent Games on their Chinese server, regulation disparities imposed by government authorities in China affecting content within games like LoL accessible within their borders, unique monetization models implemented by Tencent Games due to gaming regulations specific to China's market demands or restrictions on direct purchases with real money for virtual items or co**etics within games like LoL available on other regional servers worldwide; finally highlighting how both servers have distinct e-sports scenes - internationally hosting major tournaments such as Worlds while domestically having its own professional league, LPL.




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