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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-12 17:00:02


League of Legends (LoL) is a popular online multiplayer game developed and published by Riot Games. The game features a ranking system, known as the competitive ladder, which allows players to progress through different pisioNS and tiers based on their skill level. In this article, we will explore the latest ranking order in LoL and discuss the significance of each pision.

Bronze Tier

The Bronze tier is the starting point for most new players in LoL. It consists of four pisions: Bronze IV, Bronze III, Bronze II, and Bronze I. Players in this tier are generally considered to be beginners or inexperienced. They may lack knowledge about advanced strategies or have limited mechanical skills.

Silver Tier

The Silver tier follows the Bronze tier and comprises four pisions: Silver IV, Silver III, Silver II, and Silver I. Players in this tier have improved their skills compared to those in the previous tier but still have room for growth. They may possess better map awareness and decision-making abilities.

Gold Tier

The Gold tier is considered above average skill level in LoL. It includes four pisions: Gold IV, Gold III, Gold II, and Gold I. Players at this level often demonstrate good mechanics along with solid game knowledge. They understand concepts such as objective control and teamwork.

Platinum Tier

The Platinum tier represents a higher level of play compared to previous tiers mentioned above. It consists of four pisions: Platinum IV,Platinum III,Platinum II,and Platinum I.

Players at this stage possess excellent mechanics as well as strong strategic thinking abilities.

They are capable of making quick decisions that can turn around games.

Many aspiring professional players aim to reach Diamond rank from here onwards.

Diamond Tier

The Diamond tier is a significant milestone in LoL. It is pided into four pisions: Diamond IV, Diamond III, Diamond II, and Diamond I.

Players at this level are considered highly skilled and often have a deep understanding of the game mechanics.

They possess excellent map awareness and can make informed decisions based on the current state of the game.

Master Tier

The Master tier represents an elite group of players who have mastered their craft in LoL.

It consists of only one pision - Master.

Players at this level are among the top-ranked inpiduals in their region and often compete professionally or aspire to do so.

Grandmaster Tier

The Grandmaster tier is an exclusive rank that showcases exceptional skill in LoL. It includes only one pision - Grandmaster.

Players at this level are among the best players globally and are recognized for their outstanding mechanical skills,strategic thinking abilities,and game knowledge.

Challenger Tier

The Challenger tier represents the pinnacle of competitive play in LoL. It consists of only one pision - Challenger.

Players at this level are considered to be some of the best players worldwide,and they often compete professionally or stream their gameplay for a large audience.

Reaching Challenger rank requires exceptional skill, dedication,and consistent high-level performance.


In conclusion, League of Legends offers a perse ranking system that allows players to progress through various tiers based on their skill levels. Each pision has its own significance, representing different stages of growth and improvement. Whether you're starting from Bronze or aiming for Challenger, climbing up the ladder requires dedication, practice, and continuous learning. So go ahead and embark on your journey towards becoming a top-ranked player!




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