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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-12 05:40:02


League of Legends (LoL) is a popular multiplayer online battle arena game that features a perse roster of champions. Among these champions, the mark**en, also known as ADCs (Attack Damage Carries), are CONsidered to be the most powerful in terms of dealing sustained damage from a distance. In this article, we will explore and rank the top ADCs in League of Legends.

Ezreal: The Prodigal Explorer

Ezreal is often regarded as one of the strongest mark**en in League of Legends due to his versatility and high burst damage potential. With his Mystic Shot ability, Ezreal can poke enemies from afar while maintaining a safe distance. Additionally, his Arcane Shift allows him to reposition himself quickly and escape dangerous situations. These abilities mAke Ezreal an excellent choice for players who prefer a mobile and aggressive playstyle.

Kai'Sa: Daughter of the Void

Kai'Sa is another formidable ADC who excels at both burst damage and sustained DPS (Damage Per SEcond). Her passive ability - Second Skin - grants her bonus attack speed based on her accumulated pla**a stacks on enemy champions. This allows Kai'Sa to quickly shred through tanks and squishy targets alike. Furthermore, her ultimate ability - Killer Instinct - enables her to pe into team fights or escape from dangerous situations with ease.

Jhin: Virtuoso

Jhin stands out among other mark**en due to his unique playstyle centered around precision shots and meticulous planning. His passive ability - Whisper - enhanCES every fourth basic attack by dealing bonus damage based on missing health percentage or critical strike Chance if Jhin has high crit items built. Moreover, Jhin's ultimate ability - Curtain Call - allows him to execute enemies from long range, making him a deadly threat in team fights.


Xayah: The Rebel

Xayah is a highly mobile ADC who excels at both single-target and area-of-effect damage. Her passive ability - Clean Cuts - allows her basic attacks to deal bonus damage and pierce through enemies when used after casting an ability. This synergy with her abilities enables Xayah to quickly burst down enemies or clear waves of minions efficiently. Additionally, her ultimate ability - Featherstorm - grants her invulnerability for a short duration, providing crucial survivability in team fights.



In conclusion, the aforementioned mark**en are considered to be the strongest ADCs in League of Legends due to their unique abilities and playstyles. While Ezreal offers versatility and high burst damage potential, Kai'Sa excels at both burst damage and sustained DPS. Jhin stands out with his precision shots and long-range execution potential, while Xayah provides mobility and area-of-effect damage capabilities. Each of these champions has its own strengths that cater to different playstyles, making them formidable choices for players looking to dominate as mark**en in League of Legends.




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