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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-12 02:30:02


League of Legends (LoL) is a popular online multiplayer game that revolves around the concept of ranking and pisions. In this article, we will explore the game from a new perspective, focusing on the importance of pisions and how they impact players' experiences.

The Significance of Divisions

Divisions in LoL serve as a measure of skill and progress for players. They are pided into several tiers, including Iron, bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger. Each tier consists of four pisions except for Master through Challenger.

The pision system provides players with clear goals to strive for as they climb up the ladder. It adds an element of competitiveness to the game by allowing players to compare their ranks with others. Divisions also help in matchmAking by ensuring that players are matched against opponents who have similar skill levels.

The Journey Through Divisions

Starting from Iron or Bronze tier at the beginning can be challenging for many new or inexperienced players. However, it is important to remember that everyone starts somewhere and improvement comes with practice and dedication.

As you progress through each pision within a tier (e.g., Bronze IV to Bronze III), you gain LP (League Points) by winning ranked matches. Accumulating enough LP alloWS you to qualify for promotion series where you have a chance to advance into the next pision or even skip pisions if your performance is exceptional.

Rewards and ReCOGnition

Achieving higher pisions not only brings personal satisfaction but also rewards such as unique co**etic items like loading screen borders or victorious skins at the end of each season based on your highest achieved rank during that time period.


In addition to inpidual rewards, being part of higher-ranked teams can also lead to recognition within the LoL community. Players in higher pisions often receive invitations to join competitive teams or participate in tournaments, opening up opportunities for professional gaming careers.

The Competitive Environment

As you climb higher in pisions, the competition becomes more intense. Players at Platinum and above are generally considered highly skilled and experienced. The strategies employed by these players are more refined, and teamwork plays a crucial role in achieving victory.

In this competitive environment, it is important to maintain a positive mindset and focus on self-improvement rather than solely focusing on winning every game. Learning from defeats and ****yzing mistakes can help you grow as a player and progress through the pisions more effectively.

The Importance of Communication

Effective communication is vital when playing ranked games at any pision. Coordination with teammates through pings or chat can greatly enhance your chances of success. Sharing information about enemy movements, objectives, or summoner spell cooldowns can make a significant difference during gameplay.

However, it is essential to maintain respectful communication with teammates even during challenging situations. Toxic behavior not only hinders team morale but also negatively impacts inpidual performance.


The Role of Practice

Becoming proficient at League of Legends requires consistent practice both inpidually and as part of a team. Regularly playing ranked matches helps improve mechanical skills such as last-hitting minions or landing skill shots accurately.

Additionally, watching professional matches or educational content created by experienced players can provide valuable insights into game strategies that you can apply to your own gameplay.

Celebrating Achievements

Achieving milestones within the pision system should be celebrated regardless of how **all they may seem initially. Each promotion signifies progress made towards becoming a better player overall.

Celebrating achievements not only boosts morale but also helps maintain motivation to continue climbing the ladder. It is important to remember that improvement takes time, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey.


The pision system in League of Legends adds depth and excitement to the game. It provides players with clear goals, rewards their progress, and fosters a competitive environment. By embracing the challenges and focusing on self-improvement, players can navigate through pisions and enjoy a fulfilling experience in LoL.




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