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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-11 14:55:02


With the relEAse of the latest ranking order in LeAGue of Legends, players are eagerly awaiting to see where they stand among their peers. This article will delve into the details of the new ranking system and explore its imPAct on the competitive landscape.

The New Ranking System

The new ranking system in League of Legends brings several changes that aim to provide a more accurate representation of a player's skill level. Previously, players were assigned ranks such as Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster or ChAllenger based on their performance in ranked games. However, this system often led to confusion and frustration as players found it difficult to gauge their progress within each rank.

In response to these concerns, Riot Games has introduced a new tiered pision system that consists of nine pisions within each rank. Players will now start at Iron IV and have the opportunity to climb through Iron III all the way up to Iron I before advancing onto Bronze IV. This progression continues until reaching Challenger I -the highest pision achievable.

Implications for Competitive Play

The introduction of this new ranking system has significant implications for competitive play in League of Legends. Firstly, it provides clearer goals for players as they can now focus on climbing through pisions rather than just aiming for an overall rank improvement.

This change also encourages healthy competition among players within each pision as they strive to outperform one another and move up in ranks. The increased granularity allows for more precise matchmaking by pairing players with similar skill levels together which leads to fairer matches overall.

Rewards and Recognition

Riot Games has also revamped its rewards structure with this new ranking system. At certain milestones throughout each pision climb (such as promotion series), players will be rewarded with unique co**etic items like summoner icons, loading screen borders, and victorious skins.

Additionally, players who manage to reach the top pision of each rank will receive exclusive rewards such as emotes and profile banners to showcase their achievement. This not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also serves as a visual representation of a player's dedication and skill in the game.

Community Response

The community response to the new ranking system has been mixed. While some players appreciate the increased granularity and clearer progression goals, others feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of pisions within each rank.

Some argue that this new system places too much emphasis on inpidual performance rather than teamwork. They believe that it may discourage cooperative play as players focus solely on personal achievements rather than working together towards victory.


The latest ranking order in League of Legends brings significant changes that aim to provide a more accurate representation of player skill levels. With its tiered pision system and revamped rewards structure, it offers clearer goals for players while encouraging healthy competition within pisions. However, there are concerns about potential negative impacts on teamwork and cooperation among players. Only time will tell how this new ranking system shapes the competitive landscape in League of Legends.




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