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来源:小编 | 更新时间:2024-04-11 09:30:01


League of Legends is a popular onLine multiplayer game that features five different positions or roles: Top, jungle, mid, ADC (attack damage carry), and support. Each position requires unique skills and strategies to excel in the game. In this article, we will explore the rankings of these positions based on their importance and impact on the overall gameplay.

The Top Lane Position

The top lane position is often considered one of the most isolated roles in League of Legends. Players who choose this position are responsible for controlling the top side of the map and engaging in one-on-one battles with their opponent. The top lane champions are typically tanky bruisers or fiGHters who can sustain damage while dealing significant damage themselves.

The Jungle Position

The jungle position plays a crucial role in dictating the pace of the game. Junglers roam around neutral monster camps located between lanes to gain experience and gold while also providing assistance to their teamMates by ganking enemy lanes. A skilled jungler can influence all three lanes simultaneously by creating pressure through successful ganks or objective control.

The Mid Lane Position

Considered as one of the most impactful positions in League of Legends, mid laners have access to both sides of the map due to their central location. Mid laners are usually mages or assassins who possess high burst damage potential and crowd control abilities. They play a vital role in team fights by dealing massive amounts of damage while also providing utility through crowd control effects.

The ADC Position

ADCs, short for attack damage carries, primarily focus on dealing sustained physical damage from a distance during team fights. They rely heavily on positioning and kiting skills as they are relatively squishy compared to other roles but deal significant late-game damage. ADCs are typically paired with a support player in the bot lane to provide protection and utility.

The Support Position

Support players have the responsibility of protecting their ADC during laning phase and providing crowd control, healing, or shielding abilities to aid their team throughout the game. They often sacrifice gold income to purchase vision wards and support items that benefit the entire team. A skilled support player can dictate the flow of bot lane and make crucial plays that lead to victory.


In conclusion, while all five positions in League of Legends are essential for a successful team composition, each position has its unique role and impact on gameplay. The top lane provides stability and engages in one-on-one battles, while junglers control objective control and gank lanes. Mid laners possess high burst damage potential, ADCs deal sustained physical damage from a distance, and supports provide protection and utility for their teammates. Understanding these positions' rankings can help players choose roles that suit their playstyle best.




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